Veterans Friendly Practice

RCGP Accredited Practice
The University Medical Practice is proud to be accredited by the RCGP as a Veteran Friendly Practice. This means we can help out Veterans patient's access help and support suitable to meet there needs more efficiently. A veteran is anyone who has served for at least one day in the Armed Forces, whether as a regular or reservist. It means the same as ‘ex service personnel’ or ‘ex-forces’, although not all veterans know the term or choose to associate with the term ‘veteran’. Younger veterans might refer to themselves as ‘ex-forces’, in the belief that a veteran is someone who fought in the First / Second World War.
As a Veteran Friendly Practice we can:
- Provide Veteran centred care with our Doctors and Nurses.
- Support Veterans in accessing appropriate specialist appointments and referrals.
- Provide a Clinical Lead to look after Veterans registered with the Practice.
View our RCGP Approved Certificate: Accreditation certificate University Medical Practice.pdf
Kindly look at the links below, to understand more about Armed Forces Veterans.
Veterans FAQ's- Veterans FAQ.pdf
Top Tips for Veterans- Top tips leaflet for the veteran.pdf
Patient Charter- Patient Charter.pdf
Please inform us that you are an Armed Forces Veteran when registering.